Books Review in Detail
Review Of Annie George’s Review of K. V. Dominic’s Winged Reason
Annie George’s review of Winged Reason
Annie George’s Review
Unlike prose and fiction, there is always an element of truth or pain from which poetry emanates. This is absolutely true with Dominic’s poetry. There are times/incidents which provoke writers to react to them strongly and most of the poems in the collection, WINGED REASON, are a “spontaneous overflow†of the poets reaction, whether it be  the death of his colleague George Joson or his favourite  pet cat, Ammini. Poetry proves cathartic for the poet who admits releasing his heart heavy with grief and “tension on paper.†It is the same therapeutic effect that poetry has provided for millions for ages around the world. In this itself lies the universality of Dominic’s theme.
One remarkable feature about Dominic’s poetry is its honesty. He does not mince words to express his disillusionment about the ‘chaos, angst and panic’ wrought about by terrorism and corruption (as he admits it in his Preface).
Crying , Anand stretched hand
went begging
shop after shop
(“Anand’s Lotâ€)
A bold and courageous poet, he lashes out his whip fearlessly at
Money….hoarded in the government exchequer
or diverted for some other purpose
(“Tsunami Campsâ€)
Sometimes, thoughts ebb and flow out strong with a feeling, perhaps of wielding the pen against loss of economic and social balance. Such thoughts are not confined to the technicalities of metre and hence flow out in free verse…
power corrupted ,
leaders turned tyrants,
philosophy failed…
shattered and smashed…
dreams of health and happiness
(“Haves and Have-notsâ€)
Dominic’s charm lies in championing the cause of the poor, the weak and the downtrodden. His lines on the occasion of Women’s Day echo the need of the hour.
Dawn to dusk,
blood turns sweat.
her love and sacrifices
remain unrewarded.
(“International Women’s Dayâ€)
He often speaks for the rights of the hard working labourers.
Let us not be unjust
when we pay them wages,
for we can’t do what they do
(“Lal Salaam to Labourâ€)
Dominic’s vision is as noble as his thoughts that are expressed in the collection. The fragility of life is brilliantly described in “My Teenage Hobby.â€
Once when I pulled a fish,
Flashed a horrible vision:
I am pulled from the sky;
Death struggle on the line.
Dominic confesses that the muse inspired him late in life but it is better late than never. We are sure that the cuckoo will continue to inspire him for long and that such “reflections on life†shall continue to be his pastime.
–Ms. ANNIE GEORGE (Poet, fiction writer, translator and amateur artist), Kottayam, Kerala.