Books Review in Detail
Review Of Comments on K. V. Dominic’s Winged Reason
Comments On Winged Reason
Winged Reason is a touching vision detesting human treason against divine decision of fraternity and implied equality. If the maiden poetry book is a thus hit, its siblings to follow would be treasures of wisdom and wit. Excelsior!
–Prof. Hazara Singh, (Poet, Philosopher, Educationist, Freedom Fighter), Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
 Winged Reason by Prof. K.V Dominic is a magnificient collection of poems which entertain the reader and at the same time invoke certain serious thoughts as well. The free verse style makes it easier to get the poet’s ideas across a wide range of readers. The tone that the writer follows throughout the book conveys the feelings pretty efficiently. The whole collection touches different arenas ranging from Philosophy to personal experiences and gives the reader a wonderful feast of thoughts to ponder over.
–Sabna Cheemadan, Research Associate, School of biological sciences, Nanyang technological University, Singapore.