Book Details
Indian Literatures in English: New Directions, Newer Possibilities (Edited Book)
Year Of Publish:
Indian Writing in English: New Introductions
–Murali Sivaramakrishnan
Voicing Eco-Critical Concerns: Water in Indian Women’s Oral Narrations and Eco-Spirituality
—Usha V. T.
Jayanta Mahapatra’s Poetry: Transcending the Regional
–Ratan Bhattacharjee
The Wheel that Turned: Manoranjan Byapari Writes back in Itibritte Chandal Jiban
–Jaydeep Sarangi
Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali: A Microcosm of Life
–P. Gopichand & P. Nagasuseela
A Reading of Jaal in the Light of Campbell’s The Hero with A Thousand Faces
–Lata Mishra
The Philosophic Enlightenment in Rabindranath Tagore’s Poetry
—Bhaskar Roy Barman
R. K. Narayan’s The Dark Room: A Twist to Conventional Notions of Feminism
–Ketaki Datta   Â
Enlightening Earth Consciousness and Affirming Self-Realization: A Comparative Deep-Ecological Study of Sri Aurobindo and Jayanta Mahapatra’s Poetry
—Sibasis Jana
Family as a Metaphor: A Study of Women and Superstitions in Rohinton Mistry’s Such a Long Journey
–Akula Sreenivasulu & A. Kiranmayee
Voiceless Voice, Songs of Fakir Lalon Shah: A Short Discourse on Lalon Geete and the Position of Women in Baul Community
–Anirban MondalÂ
The Relation between God, Nature and Man: A Study of K. V. Dominic’s Poems in Advaita Vedanta Lines
–Anisha Ghosh
Stephen Gill’s The Flame: A Saga of World Peace
–Anne Dominic
Confrontations and Negotiations: Marriage and Motherhood in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Lowland
–Ashwathi Purushothaman
Poetry that Pricks: Social Concerns in the Poetry of K. V. Dominic
–S. Barathi
Girls of the Past: Children’s Historical Fiction and the Construction of Indian Girlhood in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Victory Song and Anu Kumar’s Girls of India: A Chola Adventure
–Finitha Jose
Odishan Landscape in Jayanta Mahapatra’s Land: A Study
–Gagan Bihari Purohit
Gendering of Desire: Critical Perspectives on Indian English Poetry
–Indrani Das Gupta & Pratibha Biswas
Narrative Reinhabitation: Reading Sarah Joseph’s Gift in Green from a Bioregional Perspective
—Joji John Panicker
Behind the Mask: Mahesh Dattani’s Final Solutions and Consolidations of Hindu Hegemony
–Joshma Chathoth Thazha
HusbandÂ-Wife Alienation in Nayantara Sahgal’s Novels
–G. Kamatchi
Cycles of Nature and Thought Process in Asha Viswas’ The Rainbow Cave and Other Poems
–S. Kumaran
Voices of Women Consciousness in Mamta Kalia’s Tribute to Papa
—K. Mangayarkarasi
The Big Fat Indian Wedding: A Reading of Karnad’s Wedding Album
—Namratha Manoharan
Countering Brahminical Orthodoxy: An Analysis of Girish Karnad’s The Fire and the Rain
–Nandhakumar K
The Bildungsroman strain in Hanif Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia
—J. Pamela
Time’s Sovereignty: A Study on Aju Mukhopadhyay’s Selected Poems from The Paper Boat
—Praseeda P. Nair
Breaking the Tinted Glass: A Study of Homoeroticism and Homosexuality in Ruskin Bond’s Delhi is not Far and Mahesh Dattani’s Bravely Fought the Queen
–Pritha Chakraborty
Piece de Resistance: A Study of Nalini Jameela’s The Autobiography of a Sex Worker
—Prudha S. Raja
A Comparative Study of Pradip Chattopadyay and Jaydeep Sarangi
–Radhamani Sarma
T. V. Reddy’s Echoes: A Relentless Battle against Corruption
—Rincy Mol Sebastian
Myth: Functional or Ornamental in Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide and Tilottama Majumder’s Rajpaat
–Santanu Basak
From Endless Female Hunger to the Purity of Soul: Poetry of Kamala Das
–Santhosh Kumar Padhy
Body, Sex, Identity: Socio-Political Agenda in Jaishree Misra’s Ancient Promises
–Seena N.
Rewriting Mythology in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s The Palace of Illusions
–Sreeja Nair
An Ecofeminist Reading of Kamala Das’s Poetry
–M. Subbiah
Behind the Beauties: Politics Explored and Exploded in     Rohinton Mistry’s A Fine Balance   Â
–Syndhya J.       Â
The Bi-Lingualism of Nirad C. Chaudhuri
Tamal Guha
Struggling Within, Yet . . . : A Feminist Study on Selected Online Short Stories
–Tharun Kurian Alex
Exploring Shillong: A study of Anjum Hasan’s novel Lunatic in My Head
–Wandiphranglin W. Diengdoh
Passion, Protest and Hope: A Reading of Irom Chanu Sharmila’s Fragrance of Peace
–I Watitula Longkumer
Our Esteemed Contributors